extreme weather in cincinatti - Reisverslag uit Waban, Verenigde Staten van lottevanderklei - WaarBenJij.nu extreme weather in cincinatti - Reisverslag uit Waban, Verenigde Staten van lottevanderklei - WaarBenJij.nu

extreme weather in cincinatti

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

10 Maart 2014 | Verenigde Staten, Waban

So I told you about my trip to New York three weeks ago, and I am now I the bus with Suzanne to Boston. So I was in New York last weekend, my second trip to New York. I want to share my stories with you about that, but first I will tell you about my trip to Cincinnati a weekend before. There is a weekend between the weekend of my first trip to New York and my trip to Cincinnati, but it is not that interesting to share it with you so I skip that weekend.

So Cincinnati, I heard stories from Zoë of course, but now I could see it myself. I left my Hostfamily very early, at 4:30, because it was a long way to the airport and I had to be there two hours before departure. If I look back now I'm sure that I could Arrived later at the airport, because I was bored for 1,5 hour there when I had to wait, but I was sure that I wasn't late for the flight. I was glad that the flight was on time, because I was planned that I arrived at midnight and Zoë had to pick me up and I didn't want her to wait for me. I was happy to see her after more than two months. At first I didn't even recognized her, but that was because of her glasses and another jacket. We went to her home together, in her car (yes I couldn't believe it to, she had her own car). Her car was big and the house was big, and sow beautiful. We had to be quiet, because everybody was a sleep. We went to bed directly and set the alarm at 7:00 in the morning.

I forgot to say, but Zoë woke up very happy, because it was her birthday! Zoë Turned 19 on 28th of february. When Zoë took I shower, the girl , one of the three children in the house, came in and introduced herself. Her name was Bella (short for Isabella) and she was very spontaneous and talked a lot to me. Andrew and Jack came in later and they were all asking if we could come downstairs for the surprise for Zoë's birthday. So we came downstairs and nicci and the three children were waiting. There was pie and cupcakes anda present for Zoë. After the breakfast, pie, cupcakes and presents we had to bring the children to school. Andrew didn't feel well so we only brought Bella and Jack to school. It's far the school, so it took 45 minutes to bring them to school. After that we went to TJmax, that's a discount shop, outlet, where they have a lot of brands for very cheap prices. Unfortunately I didn't find something nice. Zoë realized while we were shopping that we forgot to make lunch for Jack, and if he doesn't get his lunch he is going to be very grumpy. Zoë had a solution for that, we went with Jack to a supermarket to buy a lunchable. So I bet you never heard of a lunchable, me neither. A lunchable is a kind of lunch package, for children, with crackers, meat, cheese and something sweet in it. Jack likes that very much. After buying this lunchable we went to ihop a restaurant where we could eat lunch. Jack ate his lunchable and Zoë and I got a sandwich, but Jack got also a pancake. After three bites of his pancake Jack was full, so Zoë and I ate his pancake (not a big problem).
After lunch we went to a indoor play hall, and I met Tellie (Talitha) she is also an aupair like Zoë. Tellie is from Germany and now she was with William, and she has to take care of five children in total. So the play hall was nice, but we couldn't stay long because we had be at home on time to celebrate Zoë's birthday. When we came home the father And mother of nicci where there and the neighbors and Zoë's host partners of course, al to celebrate Zoë's birthday. Zoë's host mom is Dutch, so her parents also spoke Dutch, they were all really nice. We didn't ate with them, they ate pizza and other food, but we wanted to go to the Cheesecake Factory to eat something over there and after that go to the 'go banana's' which is a comedy cafe. So we made a reservation for this cafe and we went to the Cheesecake Factory.

Unfortunately, we were not the only one who wanted to eat here, so we had to wait for like one hour to get a table. It wasn't a big problem, because the Cheesecake Factory was located in a mall, so we could shop a little bit in the mean time. I really like the food over there, not only the cheesecake but also the other meals on the menu are looking really good, there is a lot of variety. Zoë and I both chose the ceaser salad, but Zoë added chicken. It was a really big salad, so we thought at that moment that it was a better idea if we shared one salad. But that is the good thing about America, you can always get a doggie bag. A doggie bag is a small container to put your dishes in if you are full and you want to take the rest of your meal home. We were full, but if you go to Cheesecake Factory we had to eat cheesecake, that's what we though, so we shared the snickers cheesecake, and it was delicious. While we were eating Zoë's friend Maria asked if she could join us at the go banana's. After dinner we met Maria and we went to go banana's. Maria is a very kind girl from Germany, it's always nice to have some more company. Actually, to be honest, I didn't really like the comedy show. There were four guys and they were all for like fifteen minutes on stage, some were funny, but some were absolutely not funny (nobody in the audience was laughing). But anyway I had a good night with Zoë and Maria, and I was so tired when we came home so I felt a sleep really quickly when we came home.

Saturday, we woke up early again, so we had to whole day to see the area around Cincinnati, I was excited. Nicci recommended us to go to Miami university, because there are a lot of people of our age over there. We thought this was a good idea, but we went to the big outlet first. It took us 45 minutes to drive there, but with good company and music is it not a problem. I was surprised, there were a lot of shops over there and it was all so cheap! I brought some clothes, but not to much I need to be careful with spending money. We ate our salad from the doggie bag from the Cheesecake Factory for lunch in the food court over there, so we didn't have to pay for lunch. At first we thought that the outlet was on our way to Miami university, but it wasn't. We had to go all the way back to Cincinnati and than we had to take another road to Miami university. It was nice the Miami university, there was a small village with a few shops. The funny thing was that you could really see that it is a student place, because there were students everywhere, and a lot of them were drunk. We went to orange leaf, that a frozen yoghurt shop, you have a lot of them here in America, but I hadn't been there since I came here in the United States. I loved it, the frozen yoghurt with the added candy and cookies was so delicious. I guess you could imagine that I ate a lot of frozen yoghurt, so we were both full and we didn't have space for dinner. We went home because there was not much to see anymore over there and we wanted to have dinner somewhere else.

Zoë wanted to go to a sushi all you can eat restaurant, it was not expensive and they have a lot of different food over there she told me. Zoë was part of an aupair groups chat on Facebook, so she asked of someone wanted to join us and so Maria wanted to join us. Unfortunately was the restaurant closed, Zoë told us before that there might be a chance that it was closed. But no worries, there were a lot of restaurants in the area so we still had a lot of choice. Maria knew a nice restaurant, so we went to Olive Garden. It is an Italian restaurant, Italian food sounds always good to me. The service was bad in this restaurant, we had to wait for our food for one hour, so that's not that long if you are in holland but it is a long time in America. While we were waiting we get bread, than salad and after that more bread, so when we get finally out food we were full because we ate to much salad and bread. But even though it took so long we still had a nice time and a lot to talk about.

The plan for that night was to go to some kind of houseparty, but it was to late to go there. Yes that is a big difference here in America if you compare it to Holland, the parties starting here at 8 or 9 or sometimes even earlier and they will end at 1 or 2 in the morning. In Holland the parties will start at 1 or2 in the morning and they will end at 6 or even later. Anyway, we didn't go to that party, unfortunatly, but we did something else. It was a 18 club, Zoë and Maria had never been there so they wanted to check it out.So we went home very quick, to change and to do our make up and then we went to the club. The club was a little bit outside Cincinatti and it was in some kind of strange/scary neighborhood. We had some weird thoughts about the club, but we still wanted to enter it. Some friends of Zoë and Maria said that the club wasn't nice and they were right. The music was not really our taste, but that wasn't the worst thing, the people there were so strange. I dont know how to describe it, but there were some stange people there, really strange. After one hour there was some good music, house music, but later the music was getting worse again. We stayed there till 1:30 I guess and then we went home.

So sunday,my last day, although i thought it was, but i will come to that later. We woke up early again and we wanted to go to Cincinatti down town, but first we went to Jungle Jim's. Jungle Jim's is a really big supermarket with food from all around the world, so they had their own part for dutch food. So i bought a lot of licorice (drop) to take with me to Boston, because i can't find it overthere. After Jungle Jim's we went to downtown, it was so cold outside. We went to the best ice cream parlor of Cincinatti at first, but i ate a cupcake and no ice cream overthere. After that we went to the skywalk, there was nobody up there, we were the only ones and it was super cold! We took some pictures and we went downstairs again, we walked in the city and then we went to new port. New port is on the other side of the river, it is also in another state, kentucky.We went to an Italian restaurant to eat something quick and then we could go to the airport because i had to be there at 6. But, just before we want to left we get an email that the flight had been canceled, because of the wheater. We expected this a little bit that morning, but it was still so bad because i had to go to school on monday. We called the airplane company and they booked a new flight for me for the next morning at 6 am. So that meant that I could stay a night longer, not really bad. So we went back home and ate there also some dinner, and than we went to bed early because we had to wake up at three the next day to be on time for my plane.

3 Am in the morning, alarm is ringing. We had to wake up and go to the airport, but the weather was still bad so I had the feeling that this one was also canceled. I was right, this one was also canceled so we went back to bed again and slept till 7 in the morning. I had to call us airways again, they have such a bad service. Everytime that i called them i had to wait for 20 minutes and then you get some kind of recorded voice which can't understand you. But I had to call them, they booked a flight for me again for tuesday at 6 am again. I spend that monday with working on my paper, Zoë went to some indoor play hall with the children, because they didn't have school because of the snow.

I still didn't get an email from the flightcompany, so i called them agian at 11 pm becasue i couldn't check in. Then they told me that I didn't have a ticket, but only some kind of reservation, i didn't get it. Luckily they could book another flight for me at the same time, and this time it was for sure that it was nog canceled again. So we went to bed early again and we woke up at 3 am. I was so tired, so I slept the whole night. Unfortunatly couldn't EF do anything about the absence from monday and tuesday morning, but I was there in the afternoon on tuesday so i didn't miss that much! My next story is about New York and Boston, with Suzanne! I hope you liked this story!!

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